Shelu Abapo About

I am Shelu Abapo

I am a Certified Public Accountant and a Lawyer from the Philippines. In 2016, I co-founded an online internet business with my life partner. The company opened up plenty of opportunities for us to own our time and become our very own bosses. 

In 2020, I resigned from my nine-to-five career at a Big Four firm. My partner and I planned to go full-time on our business, grow it, and travel around Asia. The plan was not to lead a nomadic life but more on a flexible lifestyle, allowing us to visit other countries for a week or two. But the pandemic happened, and all travel plans came to a complete stop. 

Instead, we spent the next two years bootstrapping our business, expanding our services, and growing it to provide us with a sustainable monthly income. Fortunately, we were able to succeed. We got a golden retriever we named Hugo in 2020 and bought our first three-bedroom house in 2021. 

In 2022, many countries have re-opened for tourism. My partner and I immediately booked our flight tickets and flew to the United Kingdom. During this trip, I regained my love for travel and realized how much the global pandemic has taken from many of us — precious time that we could’ve spent exploring new places, learning new cultures, and tasting exquisite cuisines.

Baby Hugo
Our baby Hugo was born on 28 May 2020, and we got him around September 2020. This gentle and furry baby has made our home complete, and we could not imagine a life without him.

My travel style

My travel style combines financially prudent accommodation choices, a substantial food budget, and culturally immersive activities. I am not particular about staying at luxury hotels. My top choices are decent, clean, and centrally located accommodations that can serve as excellent jumping boards for tours and sightseeing. 

As a food lover, I refuse to compromise on food quality and would spend a big chunk of my travel budget on food tours and renowned restaurants of the country I am visiting. Lastly, I book activities to know the place and its people better.

I travel at my own pace. If I don’t feel like doing anything, I will head to the nearest cafe and stream my favorite shows or do some work for our business or my professional practice. And I won’t feel this as wasted time as I find relaxation essential to my travels.

I don’t advocate that you quit your job to travel around the world. I know it is not practical and can have serious repercussions. But if you want to do so, I highly encourage you to plan it carefully. 

Likewise, I don’t actively promote the cheapest ways to travel. I aspire to balance comfort and cost, traveling smartly without breaking the bank and building unforgettable memories to last a lifetime.

Michael and Shelu
Michael and I enjoy our low-key visits to the nearest beach. Pictured here on our quick escapade in Samal Island, Davao del Norte.

Frequently Asked Questions

Did you quit being a lawyer to travel? 

No, I did not quit. I still practice my two professions in the Philippines. But instead of gaining full-time employment, I helped co-manage my boyfriend’s business and started my private practice. By avoiding employment, I gained the flexibility to travel and visit places whenever I wanted.

Why did you start blogging?

I have loved writing ever since. I still think I am a mediocre writer, but that didn’t stop me from documenting and publishing my thoughts and experiences online. I started a blog in 2006, which I maintained until I went to law school in 2013. 

I am also the publisher of another blog and served as Head of Content for our internet business from 2017 to 2022, the year when I relinquished my post to the newly hired Marketing Director. I find writing a more comfortable medium compared to vlogging and making videos. 

How do you fund your travels?

My partner and I started our travels using our savings. We met when I was still in my third year of law school, and he was the Google Adwords Manager of an Australian digital marketing agency. We started the business and slowly grew it into a sustainable source of income. In 2020, we saw unprecedented growth and found ourselves financially capable of expanding our business.

Through the years, we found financial success in our business, and we started a monthly travel fund that we would use to pay for our travels. I also make money from my bookkeeping retainers and consultation fees from my corporate and tax practice. 

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